
【鄭子太極拳】無畏喫苦川字樁 徐逢元老師


沈大白教授中英介紹 邱敏祥教練編輯

Cheng Man Ching’s deciple: Xu Feng yuan(徐逢元)

Brief Bibliography

Xu Fengyuan published a basic teaching material of Tai Chi (Li Yuxi, who was the chief of staff, was inscribed for it) and the English version of Tai Chi Chuan (An Investigation into the Method of Practice). He is from Hebei. , A professional boxer, once went to Nanyang to open a museum to teach art, and then came to Taiwan with the Kuomintang, the official worshiped Samsung, and opened classes on Heping West Road

Xu Fengyuan has been teaching boxing in Chicago in his later years. When he was a boy, he learned some Chinese herbal medicine and Shaolin Kungfu to improve his body. After high school, he once learned boxing from Li Yuan-chi in the army, and then he started to learn boxing from Zheng Zi. His feats in the army are shining. After the officials worshiped the three-star generals and retired from the army, they came to him to teach boxing in Xingmatai and other places. He also served as the chairman of the Taijiquan Committee of the First Taipei National Martial Arts Association. In his heyday, he had nearly 10,000 members. He went to New York in 1977 and settled in Chicago in 1978, becoming a full-time martial artist. In 1981, he established Xu Fengyuan Taijiquan Academy. In 1991, he led his students to Zhoushan to perform in a martial arts performance with more than 40,000 people.

Unique experience and inheritance

In his book, he attaches great importance to the “horse-step stance”, “Chuanzi stance”, “single-training style basic leg mining method” and so on. Yiban Zhengzi’s students don’t teach many weapons, most of which are swords, but his teaching in the United States includes traditional cold weapons such as double knives, long spears, Guan knives and halberds.

American student Elizabeth said that when she first saw Xu Fengyuan’s boxing practice, she thought it was prepared for her, combining rigidity and softness, rooting and lightness, like a child sailing in a storm.

徐逢元  拳之因緣與鱗爪

徐逢元曾出版一本太極拳基本教材(曾擔任參謀總長的黎玉璽為其題字),與英文版本的的太極拳研習法(Tai Chi Chuan, An Investigation into the Method of Practice)),他是河北人,職業拳師,曾到南洋開舘授藝,後隨國民黨來台,官拜三星,在和平西路開班。

徐逢元晚年一直在芝加哥教拳,他少年時就學了些中醫草藥與少林功夫來改善他的身體。高中以後,在軍中曾向Li Yuan-chi學拳,他又再開始向鄭子學拳,他在軍中的戰功彪炳,官拜三星將官退伍後,來到星馬泰等地教拳,並擔第一屆台北國術會太極拳委員會的會長,全盛時成員近萬,1977到紐約,1978到芝加哥教拳與定居,成為專職的武術家。1981他成立徐逢元太極拳學院,1991年帶領學生至舟山在四萬多人的武術運動表演會上表演。





1955年鄭曼青宗師Professor CMC誕辰,各門生拜壽後合影留念照

第一排自左始:連金(黃性賢夫人)、黃性賢Mr. HuangXingXian、某某(求名)、丁惟莊(鄭曼青夫人)、鄭曼青宗師Professor CMC、王延年老師Mr. WangYenNien 、宋福亭Mr. SongFuTing、王子和Mr. WangZi-He
第二排自左分別有:徐逢元Mr. HsuFengYuan、王建今Mr. Wang JianJin、關雁峰GuanYanFeng、李文海Mr.Li WenHai、羅邦楨Mr. Benjamin Lo、翁子川Mr.Weng ZiChuan、劉錫亨老師Mr. LiuHsiHeng、陶炳祥Mr. TaoPingSiang、王詩章Mr.Wang shiZhang、陳至誠Mr. ChenZhiCheng、王大松Mr.Wang DaSong、陳紬藝Mr.ChenChouYi、蓋萬鍾GaiWan Zhong、郭琴舫Mr.GuoQinFang等

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